Headshot of Michael Lerner

Michael Lerner

Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy
Department of Government, London School of Economics

I study comparative environmental politics with a broad interest in the challenges and strategies related to adopting timely policy responses to environmental change. My research focuses on policy advocacy, including corporate lobbying on climate change, transnational advocacy networks, and the innovation and diffusion of environmental policy. I have published my work in the American Journal of Political Science, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and other peer-reviewed journals.

Curriculum Vitae


I conduct research on topics primarily relating to environmental political and policy, comparative public policy, policy advocacy and lobbying, political networks, and policy innovation and diffusion.

Academic Research

Lerner, Michael and Iain Osgood. 2022. “Across the Boards: Explaining Firm Support for Climate Policy.” British Journal of Political Science. 53(3): 934-957.

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Replication Materials

Lerner, Michael. 2021. “Local Power:  Understanding the Adoption and Design of County Wind Energy Regulation.” Review of Policy Research 39(2): 120–142.

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Replication Materials

Osgood, Iain, Michael Lerner, Jared Cory. 2021. “Supply Chain Linkages and the Extended Carbon Coalition.” American Journal of Political Science 65(1):69–87.

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Replication Materials

Guess, Andrew M., Michael Lerner, Benjamin Lyons, Jacob M. Montgomery, Brendan Nyhan, Jason Reifler, and Neelanjan Sircar.   2020. “A Digital Media Literacy Intervention Increases Discernment between Mainstream and False News in the United States and India.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 117(27):15536–15545.

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Replication Materials
Press Release

Lerner, Michael, Ryo Fujikura, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Manami Fujikura. 2016. “The Influences of Limits to Growth and Global 2000 on U.S. Environmental Governance.” International Journal of Social Sciences 4(8):52–63.

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Academic Research

Policy & Opinion

Lerner, Michael, Laura Serra, and Tony Travers. October 2024. “Things can only get better? Our experts assess Labour’s first 100 days in power.” LSE Department of Government Blog.

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World Bank. September 2024. “Balancing Act: Political Economy and the Pursuit of Ambitious Carbon Pricing in Developing Countries.” World Bank Group. Project Lead: Michael Lerner.

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Press Release

Cory, Jared, Michael Lerner, and Iain Osgood. January 2022. “Coalitions on Climate Change.” The Political Economist.

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Lerner, Michael, Francisco Garcia-Gibson, and Martin Lodge. November 2021. “Can World Leaders Keep Their Promises on Climate Change?” LSE Department of Government Blog.

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Lerner, Michael. February 2019. Review of Defending Giants: The Redwood Wars and the Transformation of American Environmental Politics by Darren Frederick Speece. National Political Science Review 20(1):204–206

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Basile, Samantha, Michael Lerner, and Keyon Rostamnezhad. December 2018. "Boost University Voices at COP24 UN Climate Meeting.” Nature 564(7734):39–40.

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Press Release

Harris, Theresa L., Jonathan Drake, Jessica M. Wyndham, Susan R. Wolfinbarger, Stephen D. Lott, and Michael Lerner. July 2018. “Geospatial Evidence in International Human Rights Litigation: Technical and Legal Considerations.” Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program (SRHRL) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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Bruch, Carl, Michael Lerner, and Claudia D’Andrea. “Political Economy Analysis: Protecting Biodiversity and Reducing Unintended Consequences.” January 2017. Policy Brief No. 13. Environmental Law Institute. Washington, DC.

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Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit (JEU). June 2016. “Alternative Classification Schemes for Man-Made Hazards in the Context of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework.” Prepared by Michael Lerner on behalf of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Industrial and Chemical Accidents. Geneva, Switzerland.

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Lerner, Michael. October 2014. “Opportunity, Risk, and Public Acceptability: The Question of Shale Gas Exploitation in Québec.” Issues in Energy and Environmental Policy. Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy. Ann Arbor, MI.

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Policy & Opinion

Current Projects

Current Projects

Lerner, Michael, Federica Genovese, Alexander Gard-Murray, Katja Biedenkopf, Danae Kyriakopoulou, Andrés Olarte-Peña, Samuel J. Okullo, Marcos Castro, and Harikumar Gadde. “Expert Views on Carbon Pricing in the Developing World.” Under review.

Jared Cory,  Michael Lerner, and Iain Osgood. “Vox Employee: Green Workers and Corporate Climate Action.” Under review.

Lerner, Michael and Iain Osgood. “Greens in the Boardroom: Director Attitudes and Corporate Climate Policy.” Under review.

Lerner, Michael and Charles R. Shipan. “Do Political Institutions Facilitate or Hinder Policymaking in Autocracies?: The Case of Environmental Policy.” In preparation.

Turowski, Kaia and Michael Lerner. “Fossil fuel amicus briefs.” In preparation.

Gard-Murray, Alexander and Michael Lerner. “Fuzzy shocks.” In preparation.


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I provide expert consulting services on environmental policy, advocacy strategy, or analysis. My past clients include intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations, and private companies.

For more detailed information related to experience and expertise, please view my CV.

Curriculum Vitae


If you are interested in learning more about my research and teaching, my availability for speaking engagements, or consulting services, please send me a note here.

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If you are interested in learning more about my research and teaching, my availability for speaking engagements, or consulting services, please send me a note here.

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